Patuxent River Clean Up Solomons Island, Maryland April 1, 2017
Patuxent River Clean Up Solomons Island, Maryland March 31, 2012
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who helped during the Annual Patuxent River Cleanup at the Solomons location on March 31, 2012. The Patuxent River Keeper coordinated the river-wide event and our business, Solomons Island Heritage Tours, partnered to sponsor the heavily used public access areas in Solomons. Concerned students and citizens helped us to remove over 400 lbs of trash and more than 350 pieces of plastic, glass, and aluminum recyclables. Our volunteers braved the unusually high tides and two rather large snakes to clean up our watershed and save one rubber ducky. Thank you volunteers. We hope to see you next year!
Rachel Dean
Solomons Island Heritage Tours
Rachel Dean
Solomons Island Heritage Tours